Friday, 15 March 2013

The Girly Girl's Guide to Camping: Face

Don’t let anyone tell you wearing makeup when camping is stupid. It’s a holiday, and Holidays = Photos, and honestly whats the point of having a photo of you at the top of the Eiffel tower if you’ve got an oily blotchy red face and no eyes? You won’t want to commemorate that moment, will you? No. So bring a little slap with you, it won’t hurt anyone!
But keep it subtle. Personally I take foundation (going for a BB cream this year) powder, and eyeliner and mascara. I think eyeliner and mascara are a must as on holiday I wear contacts, so I can wear sunglasses, and without my glasses I don’t have eyes.
Just remember to take makeup wipes  so on those nights when you’re too lazy to go to the shower blocks to wash your face, you can still sort your face out.
People say it doesn't matter what you look like on holiday, as you’ll never see those people again, but some fool will be taking photos of you and showing the world your stupid naked face. No.

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